Bitte beachtet, dass ein Vorverkaufsticket keine Einlassgarantie darstellt. Der Club behĂ€lt sich das Recht vor, den Eintritt zu verweigern. Die Eintrittskarten werden in diesem Fall zurĂŒckerstattet. Aufgrund verstĂ€rkter Sicherheitskontrollen am Einlass kann es auch mit einem Ticket zu lĂ€ngeren Wartezeiten kommen. Wir bitten euch, dies zu berĂŒcksichtigen und zu respektieren. Vielen Dank fĂŒr euer VerstĂ€ndnis.
Please note that a pre-sale ticket does not guarantee admission. The club reserves the right to refuse admission. In this case, tickets will be refunded. Due to increased security checks at the entrance, there may be longer waiting times even with a ticket. We ask you to take this into account and respect it. Thank you for your understanding.
In order to create the perfect atmosphere at our event, we kindly ask you to follow the dresscode: Sporty, Naked, Lingerie, Lacquer & Leather, Latex, Cross-Dressing, Costumes - kinky outfits of any kind are welcome.
Streetwear and casual clothes are not accepted.
Please respect the decision of our Selection.
We do our best to provide a safe and free space.
There will be a darkroom at the party. The
top priority is consent at any time. No means no.
We have a strict no photo policy.
Cameras are taped off at the entrance.